Held an exclusive show at Cosmoprof Asia in Singapore in November and participated in a makeup forum.
November was such an exciting month, for Charming Bath. We had the opportunity to host an exclusive show at Cosmoprof Asia in Singapore and attend the MakeUp Forum.
The show was really exciting, not only because we are still pinching ourselves with how lucky we feel to be back seeing our vendor partners and clients in person but also because of the incredible innovation presented. We saw packaging and formula innovation from all over that we can’t wait to put our own magical spin on and share! Our teams were able to join forces and realize once again that many heads are better than one. It really gave us the opportunity to see everything in development.
Cosmoprof Asia gave us wonderful opportunities to connect with new and existing clients from around the world, including lots of manufacturers in peer. It is always incredibly cool to finally meet the people in person you’ve been emailing and video chatting with for years!